Blog & Resources

How Does Jealousy Affect a Believer?

How Does Jealousy Affect a Believer?

Can a person's jealousy about another person's success and blessing shut doors or cause downfall? Very interestingly I had three people ask me this same question in the last month. How Jealousy Works Before I answer how it affects a child of God, let me try to explain...

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10 Keys to Growth for Every Pastor and Leader

10 Keys to Growth for Every Pastor and Leader

Recently, I met a humble Pastor who was sharing about his vision. As he asked for directions ahead in ministry, I got to share a few things from my heart, which I feel, if shared here on Guarding the Heart blog, would benefit more people. Here are ten points which I...

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Arranged Marriage or Love Marriage?

Arranged Marriage or Love Marriage?

We often receive questions from our readers via email and Facebook on various issues seeking Godly guidance. Not all topics or issues justify a blogpost however 'Love marriage versus Arranged marriage' is one of the sensitive topics that I am frequently asked about...

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13 Inspirations While Praying for You

13 Inspirations While Praying for You

Last three days I took it as a part of my assignment to pray for all our friends online. I want to thank all our precious partners and friends that connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and of course our Blogs. During these three days the frequency...

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Best Bible App Ever for iPhone, iPad and Android

Best Bible App Ever for iPhone, iPad and Android

I remember thinking to myself that a bible app could never replace a Bible in my hands. But a particular app seems to be proving me frighteningly close to wrong. I stumbled on this app by Tecarta some time back which had many features that I really wanted, but not to...

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Do the Homework

God anoints us to complete an assignment with better authority and ease than anyone can on the project. However it will not do the research for you. What research you may ask? Read on.

Need for Relevance in the Church…

Need for Relevance in the Church is made to look sinful and is sneered at with names such as “seeker sensitive” movements. I want you to see the other side of the coin.

No to Revolution in the Church!

The task is not easy. Submission takes dying. System requires shuffling. People lack love. Leaders miss communication. Emotions run high. With all that and more, God is not searching for revolution, He is looking for something more. Read on.

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