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7 Lessons from 30 Warriors

7 Lessons from 30 Warriors

When God raised David to do a mighty work, He surrounded him with 30 of the most powerful, toughest warriors who were known for their great victories. These Mighty Men teach us 7 valuable lessons on what our relationship ought to be with Jesus, as His followers

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Wallpaper: Cellphone vs. Host God

Wallpaper: Cellphone vs. Host God

We have a category on this blog called Wallpapers. We did not get to update it for quite sometime now. I think it's time for a cute wallpaper post. Objective - I love having wallpapers that motivate me to guard my heart and run after God. One of my biggest desires is...

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Paid to handle pressure

Paid to handle pressure

Leadership is often coveted because leadership is influence, and influence is able to serve a greater number of people. you gain influence, as you go up, the climb gets steep. The steeper the climb, the greater the energy required and more the exhaustion. The...

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Accessing the Key of David

Accessing the Key of David

The Bible says, “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” [Isaiah 22:22] What is the key of the house of David?  Why is the key of David so important and what does it mean to us? God...

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Kingdom Strategies for Growth Investment

Kingdom Strategies for Growth Investment

When the Lord is speaking, are we leaning in, at the edge of our seat, to drink in His every Word, or are we slumped on a couch reaching for the next fizzy drink, waiting to be entertained? To incline means to come closer, to be alert, to get ready and to be excited to hear! Physically our posture must change! Whether we drive to our church, run to the altar or fall to our knees, physically, our posture must change before the Presence of the Lord. As we incline, we lean into our God. From that place of intimacy, His answers become our answers.  Like a tender potter, His perspective will shape our understanding. His principles will start to define our lifestyle.  Transformation begins by leaning in!

Creating Worlds: Thinking Matters

Creating Worlds: Thinking Matters

Before God spoke any words, for time beyond measure, God imagined.  He was thinking about our worlds, perfectly designed galaxies and orbiting systems  which flow in utter perfection. For millions of moments, our God sat and thought and imagined!  His imagination created our world! You are part of God’s dream that He mediated upon.

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