In case you missed them, here are the posts that generated the most reader engagement for 2009 and 2010.
In 2010
1. Wedding Bells! 100%
2. The Dangers of Soul Ties 90%
3. When dreams shatter and failure befriends 82%
4. 5 Reminders to Finish Well 56%
5. Interview with Senior Worship Leader – Father Berchmans 52%
6. Single and Waiting 49%
7. 10 Commandments for Go-getters 48%
8. The Secret of a Standing Man 47%
9. Handling Office Pressures 47%
10. Dealing with Rejection 43%
Last 90 Days
1. Mouths To Talk – Marriage, God’s Way! 100%
2. Bay Of The Holy Spirit REVIVAL 98%
3. Dealing With The Root Problem 56%
4. It’s a Fight! 52%
5. Is Your Church Twitterrific? 50%
6. Don’t Stop The Music! 44%
7. Dealing With Insecurities 41%
8. 10 Lessons From The Wise Men 40%
9. Church Scandals & Fears 39%
10. 5 Steps To Beat A Bad Day 37%
In 2009
1. A Relentless Generation 58%
2. The Pleading Jesus 41%
3. Red Hot Temptation! 31%
4. Is Fasting necessary today? 25%
5. Oh no, not again! 24%
6. Let it go ! 24%
7. Ministers to God 20%
8. Not all Tomorrow is from Yesterday 20%
9. How Pornography Kills Love 20%
10. Love whispered! 19%
Also our Top Commenter’s for 2010 were Sharon(23), Binsu(21), Elina(20), Gina Leong(19), Prashansa(18), Jherrel(16), Isha(12), John(10), Christy(9), Thushy Nila(9) and Tibi(8).
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What was your most favourite post on this blog so far? If you are a blogger, what was your top post for 2010?