Blog & Resources

Words and Wounds – RN02 Podcast

Words and Wounds – RN02 Podcast

[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] In this Episode (12:30sec): Why do some people attack us? What is God's plan...

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Vision & Direction of Oasis – RN01 Podcast

Vision & Direction of Oasis – RN01 Podcast

In this episode (7mins+), we quickly look at the vision and direction of this podcast. This includes: What Podcasting is? Podcast Name Why Podcasting? What contents you can expect. How often? Subscription method Discuss. [soundcloud...

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Announcing Revive Nations Podcast

Announcing Revive Nations Podcast

We are excited to announce to you Revive Nations Podcasts (RNP). We've been blessed to serve you with Guarding the Heart blog. And now we want to extend our resources to audio podcasts. I realize many of our partners and friends are not so much into reading articles...

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God Made a Choice Among You

“And after there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, “Brothers, you know that in the early days God made a choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.”

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Overcoming Your Harsh Winter

Overcoming Your Harsh Winter

I believe God never stops speaking. If we pay attention He is speaking even in our storms and for me even in this harsh winter season in Canada. Quickest Way to Receive God's Favour It's amazing how much you can learn just by observing life. I see here all kinds of...

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11 Most Popular Posts of 2013!

11 Most Popular Posts of 2013!

Hello 2014, here we go!!! Wishing all our dear friends, partners and subscribers of GTH a very a blessed new year 2014. Last year we missed posting twice and thanks to the three followers who emailed me out of concern. I'd write GTH all over again even if I had only...

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How to Become Whole: Patience Works!

How to Become Whole: Patience Works!

When we follow Jesus, brokenness can still remain. We may not recognize there is a problem until we start negatively impacting the people we are called to love. Yet Jesus came to give us abundant life. So what is the solution?
When we celebrate the trials and temptations that come our way, instead of reacting with fear and doubt, and lean on the grace and mercy of God, we subdue our soul. When we let patience rule so that our flesh can’t speak, we discover the truth that our brokenness within can be made whole.

Victory in our Subconscious

Victory in our Subconscious

When we pray, how real are we with the God Who loves us? Is it possible that we might call upon the Lord with our conscious self, pray all the right prayers with faith, “God I love You, I trust You!”, even while our subconscious self is actively fearing about our job or our kids or our health? The Lord hears both, right? If we confront our doubts and fears, we will pray from a place of victory, with a conscious and subconscious mind that is surrendered to God.

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