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How to Strengthen your Weak areas of Life

How to Strengthen your Weak areas of Life

In my journey, every single strength of my life was developed.  In my childhood, I was not a leader. I had no friends. I wasn’t popular, nor the favourite of my teachers.  Every part of me had to be developed, and the way I did that, was by first locating my weakness.

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What to do when trouble comes your way!

What to do when trouble comes your way!

2022, as prophesied, has roared in with trouble. From nations in confinement, to rumours of wars, to floods and storms, to the next global medical crisis, everywhere on this earth, times are turbulent. What to do when trouble comes our way?

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How to Defeat Dark Thoughts in Your Life

How to Defeat Dark Thoughts in Your Life

If your heart is mediating on global issues, the loss of job, the fight with your children or your bank account, the enemy can use your fears as the currency of faith in the his kingdom of darkness to execute your failures. If your heart is meditating on the Lord, the Goodness of God, His power and might, His deep love for His Children, your identity in Christ or the testimonies He has done in your life, you will overcome any battle, win any war the enemy tries, because your spirit, so full of truth and the fire of the Holy Spirit, will be fuelled by the Lord!

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2022: Finding Peace in Christ to Overcome and Rule

2022: Finding Peace in Christ to Overcome and Rule

Child of God, you are a citizen of Heaven even while you live on earth. Your passport is stamped: HEAVEN.  So why are you surprised when hell, Heaven's enemy, targets you on earth?  In 2022, may you find Peace in Christ to overcome and rule every single day! Storms...

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3 Keys to a Glorious Year in 2022

3 Keys to a Glorious Year in 2022

Being humble, contrite and trembling at His Word are critical keys to sustain our connection with the Lover of our Soul in 2022.  If we are to rest and reign with Him, our pursuit must be strategic, intentional and diligent, as we advance the Gospel in His Holy Name.

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8 Keys to Excellence

8 Keys to Excellence

Excellence is a reflection of Heaven. It is very critical to develop our spirits to a place of excellence.  Most of our spirits are molded by the broken environments that we grew up in, with broken marriages, emotional trauma, all kinds of abuses, limitations and...

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Acknowledge But Do Not Accept Praise

Acknowledge But Do Not Accept Praise

… When someone praises you to be of great character. Comments like that are the standards that we should earn and work towards, but certainly not what we should live for. Opinions of people are like pebbles by the river. They are cute but that's about it. It's kind of...

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Powerful Quotes for Preachers by E. M. Bounds

Powerful Quotes for Preachers by E. M. Bounds

A friend who is reading a book by E.M.Bounds sent me some stirring quotes from E.M.Bounds. I hope it blesses you too.   - Your sermons last but an hour or two, but your life preaches everyday. - You are God's message! - When we become lovers of praise and...

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Dear Generals, What we have today is nothing. Our ministry, gifts, preaching or popularity is nothing. 'Nothing' not because it is not already bearing fruit. 'Nothing' because anything of yesterday is not worth bragging about. 'Nothing' because the work left to do is...

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Not Oblivious

Not Oblivious

Most would consider you an idiot for thinking you can do what no other man has been able to do for decades or even centuries. But that's what's unique about a man/woman of God. He is not oblivious. He knows the challenges ahead yet he flows with sheer confidence. Not...

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Why Sermons Perish

Why Sermons Perish

Sermons are different from speeches. Let me rephrase that. Sermons must be different from an orchestrated speech. A speech is an intelligent preparation by the speaker. But sermons must be an inspired word from God received by the speaker. We should note that the...

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3 Keys to a Glorious Year in 2022

3 Keys to a Glorious Year in 2022

Being humble, contrite and trembling at His Word are critical keys to sustain our connection with the Lover of our Soul in 2022.  If we are to rest and reign with Him, our pursuit must be strategic, intentional and diligent, as we advance the Gospel in His Holy Name.

5 Keys for Encounter When Heaven Opens

5 Keys for Encounter When Heaven Opens

When Love comes down, will we be ready? Can we live in such a posture, that when Heaven draws near, we can sustain this privilege? Can we position ourselves better so we don’t miss any opportunity when Revival arrives? In Daniel 7, Daniel experienced a heavenly vision of such magnitude that his entire countenance changed! With Daniel’s encounter, you can discover critical keys he used to sustain his encounter with Almighty God to help us should the Lord draws near, may He do so!

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