Revival Guidelines for Pastors and Leaders – Part 16 | Revival Series

guidelines pastors leaders

Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

December 22, 2012

This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series Revival Series

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Dear God Lover and Leader of His Sheep,

To be revived, renewed and restored is God’s promise for us, our children, the church and the nation in which God has planted us. But that revival starts with you, in you and then, through you.

guidelines pastors leaders

I hope that your heart is just as excited as mine in the knowledge that our Father wants to come and make home with us. (John 14:23) Him dwelling among us is the revival of the nations and the salvation of billions. How humbling it is to know that all of that starts with us, in us and through us.

May I, as your comrade and His servant, share a few things that the Spirit of God inspires in my heart for us to be conscious about when God sends His revival wind?

1. Test All the Spirits

The sheep are under you. God has given you the responsibility. Guard them passionately from what is not of God and keep them in what is of God. I pray that when you see the hand of God move in your church and city that not only would you test it, but that you would stand with the ones you know are from the Lord – with everything you have.

2. Be a Student Forever

Don’t be in a hurry to judge that which you cannot easily comprehend. [ClickToTweet] May we also be students of the Holy Spirit, learning even while leading lest we fall into having a bitter and critical heart. It is vital to finish well.

3. Host God

Oh what a privilege it would be to host God in your life, church and city! Contend with God for the privilege of hosting God in your nation. [ClickToTweet] Ask him to lead you to serve anyone or anywhere that has had the privilege of carrying God in our generation.

4. Father This Generation

Irrespective of your age, vision or mandate, I pray that you would be a father to this generation. [ClickToTweet] Welcome and encourage the genuine move of God (even while people falter and learn from their mistakes).

5. Be the Midwife

Make birthing happen. It is easy for someone to say I am not against it, I support it; but it is entirely different to be the person who causes the birthing to occur.

I pray that God will fill you with humility to accept whosoever God appoints or anoints (young or old) for this end time move of God in your church, city or nation! Would you rally behind this person? Would you sow into that man or woman of God? Would you be the vessel that generations will be grateful to God for being a revival bridge?

6. Teach

More than ever in revival, we need leaders, apostles and teachers who will show us the joy in discovering the eternal truths in God’s Word.

Leaders should not be those who use God’s Word to discourage, manipulate and control. Seek God for fresh revelations and interpretations to a generation moving forward in God. [ClickToTweet] Yes, we want you and those fresh Words from God.

7. Praying to Sustain

Every move of God needs prayer. Even the greatest outpour of Acts needed a renewal just after two chapters. Would you pray? Pray for your comrades, the churches around you, for your nation, etc.

Our generation forever salutes those that stand in the gap between God and man. [ClickToTweet]

Sincerely your comrade,
Dreaming, believing & praying for a revival,

P.S – How can we better prepare this generation for a revival? Would you take a minute to add something to these points?

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