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Breakthrough for Believers – Part 3: Train Your Hands for War

Breakthrough for Believers – Part 3: Train Your Hands for War

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Breakthrough for Believers

When a season is rough, with the Covid19 crisis, economic decline, and most of the world in isolation, isn’t it a great relief to know the Lord is a God of War? Readers, enjoy part three of the Breakthrough for Every Believer series, as we develop key tools to unleash the power of God. Be strong in the Lord, dear Church. God wants to train your hands for war!

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Breakthrough for Believers – Part 2: The Place of Transformation

Breakthrough for Believers – Part 2: The Place of Transformation

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Breakthrough for Believers

In this season of COVID19, every believer is destined by Heaven for breakthrough! Could it be, that in this season of hiding, we are being readied for transformation? In this series, in Part One we discovered “The Pathway to Exceptional Blessing”. Part 2 reveals powerful dynamics for life transformation, for becoming one with God in this season. The Lord is inviting you to this new season today!

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Escape Temptation and Hear His Voice!

Escape Temptation and Hear His Voice!

Have you ever moved countries, changed jobs, or switched to a new program in school? Change is tough for most people! But as you hear God’s voice, and move when God moves, when you walk only by faith in the God you follow, your enemies will become God’s enemies. Your problems will become God’s problems.

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Key to ALL Life’s Troubles! | Power Nuggets

Key to ALL Life’s Troubles! | Power Nuggets

Have you watched an ocean? The most common cause of surface ocean waves is air movement (the wind). The harder it blows, the higher the waves. Life can be compared to these waves that periodically have a tug of war between gravity and water pressure created by...

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Defend Your Time | Power Nuggets

Defend Your Time | Power Nuggets

The youth today earn more in a month than what some people earned in a year, two decades ago. Everyone is an active participant in that rat race for new jobs, higher promotions and a fatter salary. The race exists because of consistently increasing better job...

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