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8 Keys to Excellence

8 Keys to Excellence

Excellence is a reflection of Heaven. It is very critical to develop our spirits to a place of excellence.  Most of our spirits are molded by the broken environments that we grew up in, with broken marriages, emotional trauma, all kinds of abuses, limitations and...

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Does Revival require tears? What stops our cry from being heard?

Does Revival require tears? What stops our cry from being heard?

The Kingdom of God is anything but a democratic process. Majority does not sway God. Noise doesn’t threaten it. Tears cannot be used to manipulate the Lord. Yet, there are hot tears that match the temperature of Heaven, birthed in the crevices of your heart, processed through a surrendered mind, that may cause Heaven to bend down to answer.

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Why People Don’t Matter the Most

Why People Don’t Matter the Most

This blog is going to make statements that I may have avoided making at the "Guarding The Heart Blog". But it is necessary that I do this. We, leaders, can handle some tough meat, can't we? These posts may be long or short, but it's all going to be from my heart. Jump...

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10 Keys to Growth for Every Pastor and Leader

10 Keys to Growth for Every Pastor and Leader

Recently, I met a humble Pastor who was sharing about his vision. As he asked for directions ahead in ministry, I got to share a few things from my heart, which I feel, if shared here on Guarding the Heart blog, would benefit more people. Here are ten points which I...

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Power Truth from the Life of Job (Part Two)

Power Truth from the Life of Job (Part Two)

Job’s manna was their manna! 
Power Truth: Satan knew as he removed Job’s children from the place of God’s nearness, he could make them do what they would otherwise not have done in their father’s house. Satan successfully removed them from their father’s lifestyle, incited their partying, and then waited, as sin continued unabated, until finally, unrepentant, the grace of their father’s house expired and death came. But not you!

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