7 Revival Guidelines for Young People – Part 17 | Revival Series

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Shyju Mathew

"Experience the Word of God, in the power of the Spirit."

December 26, 2012

This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series Revival Series

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I wish I could say “revival” and “the youth” are synonymous. It may not seem so in the literal sense, but there is a lot of truth in it.

It happens to be the young people (and children) who are the fastest to receive God’s reviving fire. We’ve seen this in all the places God has sent us with the revival rain.

Here are some of the pictures of those great moments captured.

children revival Godchildren revival God

children revival Godchildren revival God

children revival Godchildren revival God

However the truth is that, it is these same young people who are also under the most severe and constant attack, as the enemy tries to wreck havoc in the plans of God in seemingly innocuous ways, capitalising on the very features of the youth which make them a deadly weapon against his kingdom. Post and video on this here: Post and Video.

As the wind of God’s move blows, here are a few things for you to be careful of, as young people:

1. The Leadership Does Not Change

You may be the one being mightily used by God but be careful to honour and respect your leaders, irrespective of their grace to understand what God is doing around you, because God has not planned to overthrow the existing leadership. If you sow rebellion, do not forget that someday you will reap rebellion. [ClickToTweet]

The enemy will use anyone and anybody to fight you – simply exit in prayers, the battle belongs to the Lord.

2. Do Not Break Your Church

Yes, I believe in young leaders pursuing their calling. I also believe in young leaders planting churches. But all this can be done with much grace and blessings of your spiritual leadership.

Just because God uses you, it does not mean it grants an allowance to steal your pastor’s sheep and divide the body of Christ. If you really believe God wants you to start something, then dare to start from scratch! [ClickToTweet] Make sure you are accountable under a leadership that will guide you in God’s ways.

3. Let Humility Precede You

It is natural to get excited with what God is doing, and it happens to all of us! But don’t let that cause brain damage. No matter what you have achieved, there are always greater things that are still to be done. The more we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, the more He will raise us up for His glory! [ClickToTweet]

4. Consistency is the Key

What you do today will not matter if what you do tomorrow is out of God’s will. How many souls you saved today wouldn’t count if you lose your soul to the devil tomorrow.

Under the wind of revival, you may see many mighty things happen, but for you to continue to see results, you got to continue to surrender and get back up.

5. Consider Others More Significant

This is do-able, but that verse in Philippians 2:3 also adds, “…in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” (ESV, emphasis mine)

Considering others more significant eliminates all sorts of spirit of competition. Walk away from things that God has not called you for. Let someone else take over the microphone and the limelight. You pursue God, that’s all you’ll ever need.

6. Don’t Forget Prayer

It is not enough that you pray now, you’ve got to pray when no one is praying. It is not enough that you pray when the fire is hot, pray when the fire goes out. Pray anyway (with or without a need), pray everyday. What starts with prayer will only be sustained in prayer. [ClickToTweet]

7. Be Super Focused

Being focused is good. Being super focused is great! It is sad to see that those who once started with a great prayer life have lost it along the way. It is terrible to see that, in time, people sell their dreams and vision they received from God for the cheaper, more temporary pleasures of the world.

guidelines youth

Hold on to the promises from God, no matter what storms come. Don’t ever stop dreaming about the revival that God will send through you!

I conclude with the words God spoke to Habbakuk (2:3)

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Discuss: What inspires you the most to go on? What are the biggest struggles you face inside the Church? Share below.

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Series NavigationUnderstanding the Supernatural Manifestations in a Revival – Part 15 | Revival Series >>Revival Guidelines for Pastors and Leaders – Part 16 | Revival Series >>

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