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5 Keys for 2023!!

5 Keys for 2023!!

This year, let us change our mindset!

When we arrive at the Promise Land, and sit in houses custom-made for giants, with windows larger than we have seen and doors larger than any doors we have ever seen, can we sit at the table as a king, or will we still see ourselves as a kid? Will we know Who has sent us or will we still be distracted by mind attacks, by insecurities, fears, unsure of who we are and Who are God is?

Be assured: God is taking us beyond what we can imagine in 2023!

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Climbing the Mount of God

Climbing the Mount of God

Mountain climbing is serious business. Regardless of the terrain, preparation is essential, as there are many types of mountains, grassy, rocky, snow-covered, tree-lined and each mountain requires different equipment and training to climb.

Moses climbed a mountain on fire. What kind of training and equipment would that require? How do you climb the Mount of God? 

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Let Patience do her Work: 5 Keys for Victory

Let Patience do her Work: 5 Keys for Victory

Just as Jesus began His ministry by announcing, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me” (Luke 4:18), as the anointed ones, we have certain victory!  With the Spirit of God upon us, we have everything we could ever need to solve the problems and trials we face. Victory is certain because the Victor is within us! Just let Patience do her work!

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Understanding and Demystifying Mind Attacks

Understanding and Demystifying Mind Attacks

Each individual has different buttons that the enemy will press based on different adult rejections or childhood traumas. You have to remember this one critical truth: Even though most mind attacks are demonic, they become absolutely powerless the moment you stop participating in your mind attack! When you pull the plug and disengage with the lies flooding your mind, you win.

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How to Accelerate in Life

How to Accelerate in Life

The principles of Heaven must be manifested on earth. Our Lord Jesus taught us to pray, “Let they will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” ( Luke 11:2) If angels are strengthened or quickened when they hear and obey the command of the Lord, then as God’s children, we can excel in strength. We can accelerate in strength and excellence here on earth!

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3 Keys to Live the Daily

3 Keys to Live the Daily

In this world of  ever changing fashion, tastes, innovations and global politics, doing something well daily, every day, regardless of work, preferences, holidays or friends, may seem like a lost art. Yet the daily pursuit of God changes everything in our life.

Think about it.  Manna came daily, not just on Sunday.  Our Lord Jesus taught us to ask, each day, for our daily bread. The sun rises every day and the moon every evening.  Father God loves the day by day walk with Him!

So how do we do this? Here are three keys to live the daily…

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Power Truth from the Life of Job (Part Two)

Power Truth from the Life of Job (Part Two)

Job’s manna was their manna! 
Power Truth: Satan knew as he removed Job’s children from the place of God’s nearness, he could make them do what they would otherwise not have done in their father’s house. Satan successfully removed them from their father’s lifestyle, incited their partying, and then waited, as sin continued unabated, until finally, unrepentant, the grace of their father’s house expired and death came. But not you!

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Power Truths from the life of Job (Part One)

Power Truths from the life of Job (Part One)

Job’s life is a powerhouse of discovery about God and man. In studying Job’s life, we uncover powerful truths, very uncomfortable truths, that can set us free for life! For example, did you know that our fear can limit our unlimited God? In fact, Job’s meditations caused his fears to manifest, to the point of tragic loss. He worried about his kids dying with such intensity, and regularity, that his fearful meditations opened the door for the enemy to rush in.

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Creating Worlds: Thinking Matters

Creating Worlds: Thinking Matters

Before God spoke any words, for time beyond measure, God imagined.  He was thinking about our worlds, perfectly designed galaxies and orbiting systems  which flow in utter perfection. For millions of moments, our God sat and thought and imagined!  His imagination created our world! You are part of God’s dream that He mediated upon.

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How to Accelerate in Life

How to Accelerate in Life

The principles of Heaven must be manifested on earth. Our Lord Jesus taught us to pray, “Let they will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” ( Luke 11:2) If angels are strengthened or quickened when they hear and obey the command of the Lord, then as God’s children, we can excel in strength. We can accelerate in strength and excellence here on earth!

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